
LEIBSTANDARTE complete collection ASL MMP comp 6 modules 48 scenarios

Description: Leibstandarte Pack 1: Blitzkrieg!Publisher/Date: Lone Canuck Publishing (1998)Country of Origin: CanadaContents: 8 scenarios in each packLone Canuck’s first unit-themed scenario pack, Leibstandarte Pack 1: Blitzkrieg! (LP1) was the first of a series of scenario packs on the 1st SS Panzer Division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler,” the infamous Waffen SS division. The scenarios of LP1 featured actions from Poland 1939 (2 scenarios), the Netherlands (2 scenarios)/France (2 scenarios) 1940, and Yugoslavia (1 scenario)/Greece (1 scenario) 1941. Leibstandarte units are represented by 4-6-8 SS squads.Most of the scenarios in LP1 are small (3) or medium-sized (4); there is also one large scenario. Many of the scenarios will play quickly and are suited for tournament play. Several depict river/canal crossings. One scenario, LSSAH1 (Opening Fire), features an interesting situation–the Poles have a set DC on a bridge, but they have to get to the detonator before the Germans can. Another scenario, LSSAH4 (By the End of a Rifle!), includes a contested river crossing in rubber boats.Four of the scenarios have OBA; one has Air Support. There are no Night scenarios. The Germans are the attackers in every scenario except one. The most popular scenario, which has been used in tournaments, is LSSAH2 (They Stop Here!), a fast-playing Polish-German contest featuring German motorcycles and armored cars. It is very well-balanced. However, a number of other scenarios are also fun and balanced, including LSSAH1 (Opening Fire), LSSAH3 (Frühjahrbestellung), and LSSAH7 (Just in Time).With its varied combatants and solid core of scenarios, the pack is worth getting. Leibstandarte Pack 2: Barbarossa!Publisher/Date: Lone Canuck Publishing (2000)The second of Lone Canuck’s themed packs on the 1st SS Panzer Division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler,” Leibstandarte Pack 2: Barbarossa! (LP2) adds 8 more scenarios, this time featuring the unit’s actions in the Soviet Union in 1941. The unit’s squads are represented in this pack by a mix of 5-4-8 and 4-6-8 squads.LP2 has an entirely different feel than LP1; the scenarios tend to be far larger. Of its 8 scenarios, 3 are small and 5 are large (there are no medium-sized scenarios). Some of the large ones are actually very large; LSSAH13 (The Russians Are Coming!), for example, features 33 Soviet squads. When one considers the large amounts of SW that George Kelln typically throws into his scenarios, there will be a lot of lead being slung back and forth (the 33 squads in the aforementioned scenario, for instance, have 9 LMG, 3 MMG, 3 ATR, 3 50mm MTR, 3 FT, and 6 DC; their opponents, 12 German squads, have 4 LMG, 2 HMG, 2 50mm MTR, 2 FT, and 4 DC!). However, LP2 is different from some of Kelln’s subsequent scenario packs in that the scenarios, though large, typically don’t have a huge number of AFVs.Two of the scenarios have OBA (one has 210mm OBA!). There are no scenarios with Air Support or Night.Several of the scenarios are unusual in that they represent Soviet amphibious actions. LSSAH11 (Sea Battle), for example, is a massive Soviet Seaborne Evacuation. LSSAH13 (The Russians Are Coming!, mentioned above) is a Seaborne Assault (and features offboard naval direct fire support). Both of these scenarios ought to be interesting to amphibious enthusiasts, especially those tired of USMC. Some players may also enjoy LSSAH10 (Baptism of Fire), a large slugfest across boards 47 and 24. The Germans are the attacker in 7 of the 8 scenarios in the pack. Leibstandarte Pack 3: Clash at Kharkov!Publisher/Date: Lone Canuck Publishing (2002)Leibstandarte Pack 3: Clash at Kharkov! (LP3) is the third of George Kelln’s scenario packs featuring the infamous 1st SS Panzer Division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler.” The scenarios in this pack take place in February and March 1943 during the German counterattack at Kharkov following the debacle at Stalingrad. In this pack, the Leibstandarte’s units are represented by 5-4-8 SS squads.As was the case with its predecessor, LP3 tends towards the large. There are no small scenarios, 3 medium-sized scenarios, and 5 large scenarios. Many of the scenarios feature large numbers of AFVs. In LSSAH19 (The Tiger’s Roar), for example, the Germans have 26 vehicles, most of them tanks.One scenario uses the Night rules; one scenario has Air Support. Two scenarios have OBA. The Soviet player had better like defending; the Germans are on the attack in every single scenario in this pack. Leibstandarte Pack 4: Turning of the Tide!Publisher/Date: Lone Canuck Publishing (2003)The fourth Leibstandarte pack by Lone Canuck, Turning of the Tide! (LP4), features 8 scenarios depicting the 1st SS Panzer Division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler” in the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and Italy in 1943.As with most Lone Canuck products of this period, the scenarios tend to the massive. There is only 1 small scenario and 2 medium-sized scenarios; the other 6 are large. Some of them are more than large. LSSAH25 (Getting the Job Done!), for example, is a 9-turn extravaganza featuring a German attack on a Soviet fortified line. The Soviets have 16 elite squads, 2 LMG, 4 HMG, 6 ATR, 2 50mm MTR, tons of AP and AT mines, 6 artillery pieces, 7 pillboxes, 25 wire counters, 12 anti-tank ditches, and 25 trenches, in addition to OBA. The attacking Germans have 6 8-3-8 assault engineer/sapper squads and 20 5-4-8 squads, 8 LMG, 4 MMG, 4 FT, 6 DC, 6 StuGs, 4 Tigers, OBA, and 3 Stukas with bombs. Victory conditions involve control of one hex. Another scenario, LSSAH27 (Thrust to the North), a Kursk scenario, features 49 AFVs.Ironically, the most interesting scenarios in the pack are not any of the heavy metal grindfests in the Soviet Union, but rather some of the scenarios that pit the Leibstandarte against Italian and partisan troops. LSSAH28 (“Last Drop of Blood”) depicts 10 squads from an Italian officer training school and three tankettes trying to hold off a convoy of elite Panzergrenadiers. It is fun and interesting.LSSAH29 (“…To its Last Man”), features an Italian attack against the Leibstandarte, with partisan squads popping up randomly on certain Wind Change DRs. It is fun and balanced.LSSAH30 (Swept Clean) depicts an anti-partisan operation on the Istria Peninsula where the partisans are liberally armed with weapons and vehicles captured following the Italian surrender a month earlier.LSSAH26 (Steel and Fire) uses desert/Steppe terrain, as does LSSAH27 (Thrust to the North). Leibstandarte Pack 5: “Scorched Earth”Publisher/Date: Lone Canuck Publishing (2013)Leibstandarte Pack 5 (hereinafter LP5) is the latest iteration of a series of scenario packs that designer George Kelln began way back in 1998. A decade and a half later, he is still designing and publishing scenarios centered around the 1st SS “Leibstandarte” Panzer Division. Even this pack brings the Waffen SS division only to March 1944, leaving a huge number of potential scenario packs featuring this division left to go. Doing this many scenario packs on an SS division may leave some ASLers with an uneasy feeling. In any case, this one is done and out.About half the scenarios are large in size, with the remaining divided between medium and small. The average scenario in this pack will feature a relatively small number of infantry units and a relatively large number of AFVs. One scenario uses Air Support while another scenario utilizes OBA. No scenarios feature the Night rules. Some of the scenarios are fairly SSR-dense.The scenarios (collectively) utilize boards 2, 3, 4, 5, 17, 18, 24, 33, 43, 44, 47, and x. Almost all of the boards used in the scenario pack are old boards that existed before MMP took over ASL in 1998. Many designers of scenario packs rush to use the latest boards available, if for no other reason than out of boredom with the older ones, but this pack bucks that trend.The scenarios were clearly designed using Germanocentric source materials; no Soviet force is identified lower than the corps/army level and two scenarios actually only deign to identify the scenario force at the “Front” level (equivalent to a scenario card reading “Elements of Army Group Center”). The locations of the scenarios are typically Germanized versions of Russian names rather than English transliterations, so finding most of these locations will be a chore.The Germans are on the attack in 3 of the scenarios, the Soviets in 5. Two scenarios require ASLSK geoboard x. The scenarios are a fairly even mix of small, medium, and large scenarios. One scenario has OBA and one scenario uses Air Support. There are no Night scenarios.Many of the scenarios in the pack are inherently rather dicey (which is not necessarily good or bad but something of which players should be aware), often featuring immediate victory conditions highly dependent upon vehicular action (either exiting or in armor battles). For example, in LSSAH34 (To the Cherkassy Pocket), the Germans can win immediately by accumulating 15 VP, which include exit VP and CVP. This will make the Soviet player pretty conservative, as each of his 3 T-34s is worth 7 CVP each. Increasing the diciness are a lot of high-powered leaders. The 8 scenarios in the pack feature 9 leaders of 9-2 power or greater, as well as 11 armor leaders (!).A lot of the scenarios feature Soviet exit victory conditions requiring the Soviets to exit a certain number of VP off the map. Some of these have the appearance of shooting gallery scenarios. For example, LSSAH36 (Führer’s Expectations) features 12 Soviet squads and 7 AFV against 6 German squads, 2 AT guns, and one Panther. The Soviets win immediately by exiting 28 VP, so the Germans essentially just take shots at the Soviets, hoping to kill enough units to prevent a Soviet win. LSSAH35 (Supreme Effort) is the same thing, just a bit bigger. This scenario has 14 Soviets squads and 10 Shermans trying to exit 35 VP past 6 German squads, an 81mm mortar, and 4 StuG IIIGs (the Soviets also have to take 7 buildings in this scenario). In both these scenarios, soft ground hinders vehicular movement and maneuver considerably.LSSAH34 (To the Cherkassy Pocket) is a tournament-sized scenario that features simultaneous set-up and who moves first is determined randomly (although the VC make clear that, regardless of who moves first, the scenario is essentially a German attack).The big scenario in the pack is LSSAH40 (Breathing Room), which resembles an old school Squad Leader scenario down to its boards (2 and 3). It features a Soviet attack force of 32 squads, 4 leaders and 1 armor leader, 13 SW, and 8 AFV attacking 12 German SS squads, 4 leaders and 2 armor leaders, 8 SW, 3 Guns, and 4 AFVs. Both sides get OBA. 1.SS-Panzerdivision Leibstandarte #6: NormandiePublisher/Date: Lone Canuck Publishing (2019)Contents: 8 scenarios (LSSAH41-LSSAH48) on cardstock, 12 (loose) 5/8" counters.1.SS-Panzerdivision Leibstandarte #6: Normandie, hereinafter 1SS, is a scenario pack depicting actions featuring units of the 1st SS “Leibstandarte” Panzer Division in Normandy in 1944. It is the 6th in a seemingly endless series of scenario packs from Lone Canuck featuring this Waffen SS unit. It is unfortunate that, out of the hundreds and hundreds of divisions that fought in World War II, so much effort would be focused on a Waffen SS unit.Because the scenarios here are limited to a three-month period in a fairly narrow geographic area, in which one side is always fixed, there is not a lot of variety in terms of combatants and settings. The Leibstandarte appears in all the scenarios, of course; its opponents are British (3 scenarios), Canadian (2 scenarios), and American (3 scenarios).To play all the scenarios, one needs boards 4, 6, 10z, 17, 17z, 42, 53, 54, 55, 57, 56, 59, 69, 70, 71, and ASLSK board t (2 scenarios). Three scenarios use overlays.Most of the scenarios are large in size, but this is a bit misleading, because many of the scenarios feature odd or disproportionate force mixes. For example, in scenario LSSAH43 (Tommy Knocker), the British have 18 tanks and 7 squads, which would qualify the scenario as “large” in Desperation Morale rankings, but the opposing Germans have only 4 squad-equivalents and 6 tanks. The British tanks are all Shermans, of various types; the German tanks are all Panthers, so apparently the scenario is a shooting gallery sort of scenario (the British win by exiting 80VP). In LSSAH44 (Shot and Roared), the Canadians have 16 squads and 6 tanks; the Germans have only 9 squads and 3 tanks.Four of the scenarios have OBA; none use Night or Air Support rules. Three use Bocage rules.One interesting feature of this scenario pack is that almost all of the scenarios randomize certain elements in order to provide additional fog of war. This is the first time Desperation Morale has a seen an ASL product deliberately combine a number of mechanics to create this effect.One mechanic used, for example, are secret die rolls to determine things like HIP or concealment counters. In scenario LSSAH44 (Shot and Roared), for example, The German player may make a Secret dr; the result (halved, fractions rounded down) is the number of MMC that may set up HIP. The German player may also make a Secret dr (+3), receiving that many concealment counters. Another scenario allow a roll for dummy minefield counters. In total, 6 of the 8 scenarios use this mechanic at least once. This may be a new dynamic not used in previous ASL scenarios.Another mechanic used is blind simultaneous setup. This is a fairly uncommon ASL mechanic in which players prop up an extra board vertically in the middle of the playing area, obstructing each player’s view of the other player’s forces, and each player simultaneously sets up his units. Two scenarios use this mechanic.A third mechanic used is random shellhole/rubble/blaze placement, which is fairly common these days. One scenario uses this mechanic.A fourth mechanic appearing in this pack is non-set Gun CA. Used in one scenario, this mechanic has a player record the CA of his emplaced guns as normal, but when the Gun is initially revealed, a dr must be made. On a 1 or 2, the gun uses its recorded CA. However, on a 3-4 its CA is actually one hexspine clockwise of its recorded CA, while on a 5 or 6, it must pivot one hexspine counter-clockwise.A fifth mechanic (we have enough mechanics by now to open an auto repair shop) involves variable boards. In LSSAH45 (Unexpected Surprise), the boards are separated into two non-connected playing areas. The American player must separate his forces into 3 different groups. One group sets up on one of the play areas while the other group sets up on the other, non-connected play area. The third group is an offboard “Reserve” group. After having done this, the German player–whose forces all enter from offboard–chooses one of the playing area he will enter his forces on. Only this playing area will actually be used for the scenario; the other boards (and American counters) are put away. The “Reserve” group will enter as reinforcements on the actual board used.A sixth mechanic (now the mechanics are unionizing) involves random first move. In one of the scenarios, a dr determines which side moves first; that side has only half its movement rate. This is a risky mechanic unless very well playtested.The fog of war emphasis of this pack distinguishes it from being Yet Another Waffen SS pack or Yet Another Normandy pack and may appeal to ASL players who really like fog of war elements.The pack also comes with a sprinkling of counters, twelve in total. They appear to be die-cut, but they are “loose,” i.e., individual, already separated counters in a little baggie. The counters are various British Shermans and do not appear to be new to the system but are seemingly intended as extras for scenarios requiring more such counters than appear in the official countermix. Above reviews are from the DesperationMorale website

Price: 149 AUD

Location: Ulverstone

End Time: 2025-02-02T08:31:31.000Z

Shipping Cost: 25.33 AUD

Product Images

LEIBSTANDARTE complete collection ASL MMP comp 6 modules 48 scenarios

Item Specifics

Returns Accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted

Game Type: Board Game

Brand: Lone Canuck

Type: Extension Pack

Game Title: Leibstandarte

Bundle Description: All 6 modules published in this series from 1998 to 2019.

Custom Bundle: Yes

Theme: War

Character Family: Advanced Squad Leader


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